About Antarctica

Antarctica is among the most beautiful, pristine and least explored places on the planet.

Truly exhilarating, mysterious and alluring! For over two centuries, the 'White Desert' has attracted scientists and adventurers, drawn by its unmatched natural beauty. Nowadays, this largely untouched wilderness is more accessible to a new generation of intrepid explorers.


Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent, containing the geographic South Pole. It is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. At 14.0 million km2 (5.4 million sq mi), it is the fifth-largest continent in area after Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. For comparison, Antarctica is nearly twice the size of Australia. About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice that averages at least 1 mile (1.6 km) in thickness.

Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 inches) along the coast and far less inland. The temperature in Antarctica has reached ?89 °C (?129 °F). There are no permanent human residents, but anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year at the research stations scattered across the continent. Only cold-adapted organisms survive there, including many types of algae, animals (for example mites, nematodes, penguins, seals and tardigrades), bacteria, fungi, plants, and protista. Vegetation where it occurs is tundra.


Cook, 1770-1775 - circumnavigated Antarctica and crossed the Antarctic Circle three times.

Palmer and Powell, 1820 - mapped and explored the South Shetland Islands and the South Orkney Islands.

Bellingshausen, 1819-1821 - second man to circumnavigate Antarctica.

Weddell, 1820-1824 - reached a new record south, to later have the Weddell Sea named after him.

Biscoe, 1830-1832 - explored the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.

D'Urville, 1837- 1840 - the first to sail to the continent from Europe.

Wilkes, 1838-1841 - the first investigator to insist Antarctica was a continent.

Ross, 1839-1843 - discovered an enormous cliff of ice, with walls up to 60 metres above the sea, later called the Ross Ice Shelf.

De Gerlache, 1897 - ship became imprisoned in the ice, the first winter humans spent in Antarctica.

Scott's Discovery Expedition, 1901

Shackleton's Nimrod Expedition, 1908-1909 - managed to reach a point within 180 kms of the pole.

Amundsen, 1910 - reached the South Pole on December 14, 1911.

Scott's Terra Nova Expedition, 1910 - reached the South Pole on January 17, 1912, to find Amundsen had beaten them by 33 days.

Shackelton's Endurance Expedition, 1914 - after their boat sank, Shackleton and his men lived on the floating pack-ice for 5 months, but not one soul was lost.

Sites of Interest

Argentinean Antarctic Station Esperanza Another possibility to actually step onto the continent would be a visit to the Argentinean Antarctic Station "Esperanza". The year round station in the Antarctic Sound counts with a small school, as some of the personnel did come with their children to Antarctica. In the immediate vicinity there is a colony of Adélie Penguins.

Antarctic Sound
The passage to the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula traverses Antarctic Sound, which is 30 miles (48 km) long and 7-12 miles (11-19 km) wide and runs northwest-to-southeast. This is where huge tabular icebergs roam. All-white, Black-pupiled, and Black-billed Snow Petrels are likely to be coursing over the scenery, often joined by Pintado Petrels and early in the spring, by Antarctic Petrels streaming south to nesting territories on slopes fringing the Weddell Sea.

Bay of Isles
The magnificent Bay of Isles is studded with numerous islets. Some of them are open for visitation.

Brown Bluff
The spectacular rust-colored promontory on the Tabarin Peninsula, Brown Bluff, is located south of Hope Bay. On its long beach more than 20,000 Adélie penguins and a smaller group of Gentoo Penguins have found their home. There is also a potpourri of Kelp Gulls, Snow Petrels, and Pintado Petrels swirling above.

Cooper Bay
Cooper Bay is at the southeast extremity of the South Georgia where fascinating volcanic rocks towering over small fiords. There is a wealth of wildlife at this site, in a spectacular setting. Chinstrap, Gentoo and Macaroni Penguins dot the tussock slopes and there are plenty of fur seals on the beaches.

Deception Island, South Shetland Islands
Long ago, volcanic pressure on Deception Island resulted in a tremendous eruption that caused the island's peak to explode. The resulting caldera flooded with seawater, creating the unique landmass we may visit. Stark volcanic landscapes wait for us on the inside. Brave souls may don their bathing suits for the unusual opportunity of a swim in the Antarctic, since the waters around Deception Island are usually geo-thermally heated!

Drygalski Fjord & Larsen Harbour
Although Drygalski Fjord´s glaciers have retreated significantly in recent decades, they remain one of the most striking features of this coastline, particularly the Risting and Jenkins Glaciers. A small colony of Weddell seals, South Georgia Pipit, Smaller Burrowing Petrels and Prions may be seen on Larsen Harbour.

Gold Harbour
Gold Harbour offers some of the most spectacular scenery; an amphitheatre of hanging glaciers and vertical cliffs rise straight out of the sea and the towering snow-covered peaks of Mt. Patterson create an unforgettable backdrop to an exceptional abundance of seabirds and seals. The surrounding cliffs of Gold Harbour provide habitat for nesting Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses, which can often be seen soaring above the beach. There is a large colony of King Penguins and the sandy beach is a favorite haul-out spot for massive southern elephant seals.

Once a thriving whaling station, the ruins of Grytviken stand as a reminder of an era of exploitation that thankfully grows more distant by the day. In Grytviken, another former whaling town, we would also like to invite you for a visit to the most interesting Museum about Natural History and Whaling in the area, as well as to the last resting site of Sir Ernest Shackleton at the nearby graveyard in King Edward cove.

This beautiful little harbor is the only visitor site on the island where colonies of Black-browed and Grey-headed Albatrosses can be viewed from zodiacs within the protection of sheltered inshore waters.

Fortuna Bay & Stromness Bay
Today the whaling station which operated here from 1907 is abandoned and King Penguins as well as seals roam free through the streets. Buildings are occupied by elephant seals and guarded by fierce fur seals.

Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands
The crescent-shaped island lies in the entrance to Moon Bay between Greenwich and Livingston Islands. There are some excellent hiking opportunities and some truly glorious scenery.

Hydrurga Rocks
This small island group of islets lies east of Two Hummock Island in the Palmer Archipelago. Chinstrap Penguins, Blue-eyed Shags, and Kelp Gulls are confirmed breeders. The island rises to approximately 25 meters above sea level - the views of the northern Gerlache Strait with its steep ice-covered mountains in the backdrop are stunning.

King George Island
The largest of the South Shetland Islands, features colonies of nesting Adélie and Chinstrap Penguins, Kelp Gulls, Blue-eyed Cormorants, Antarctic Terns and Southern Giant Petrels and is home to scientific bases of many different countries. Macaroni, Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins as well as elephant seals await you at Livingston Island.

Paradise Bay
Perhaps the most aptly named place in the world and we attempt a landing on the continent proper. There are bustling Adélie Penguin (over 100,000 pairs breed here) and Blue-eyed Cormorant colonies on Paulet Island. The Nordenskjöld expedition built a stone survival hut here in 1903. Today its ruins have been taken over by nesting penguins.

Portal Point
Portal Point served as the gateway for a route to the Peninsula plateau. The snow slope from the landing rocks rises steeply toward the plateau. There are large glacial tongues extending down to sea level. These terminate against the sea in high ice cliffs. Nearby Charlotte Bay is often filled with icebergs.

Prion Island
On the tussock-grass covered islet, there is a breeding colony of Wandering Albatross.

Right Whale Bay
A beach formed by black volcanic ashes, home to fur seals, elephant seals and King Penguins amongst other bird species, such as Prions and Giant Petrels.

Salisbury Plain
Salisbury Plain sometimes called the "Serengeti of the South" is a wildlife site without parallel. Several large glaciers provide a dramatic backdrop for the tens of thousands of King Penguins that nest in the tussock grass of this remarkable ecosystem. Elephant and fur seals also abound, as well as Southern Giant Petrels and the occasional wandering Gentoo Penguin.


Adelie Penguin
A medium-sized penguin recognised by its white eye-ring. Feathers on the back of the head are slightly elongated and can be raised to form a small crest. Adelie Penguins breed in open colonies from a few dozen to many thousands and use stones to line their nests.

Chinstrap Penguin
Chinstrap Penguins are medium-sized penguins, easily recognised by their white face and the fine black line across the cheeks. The demarcation between the black and white lies above the eye, isolating the dark eye in the white plumage. The bill is black.

Usually breeds on hillside slopes and rocky outcrops in colonies that sometimes can be enormous. At the South Shetlands, Chinstrap Penguins often breed amongst other penguins, though usually on steeper slopes.

Gentoo Penguin
Gentoo Penguins are characterised by a white patch around and behind the eye that joins on the crown. The orange-red lower mandible is also a distinct feature. In the sub-Antarctic the nests are often found amongst tussocks, whereas on the Antarctic Peninsula they nest on stony ice-free areas and beaches.

Macaroni Penguin 
Macaroni's are probably the most abundant of all penguins in terms of total numbers. In contrast to the other crested Penguins, they have orange, not yellow, feather plumes.

They breed on rocky slopes, beaches and amongst tussocks. Most birds build a small nest from pebbles and by scraping out some mud or sand, but many pairs are content with laying their two eggs on bare rock.

King Penguin
King Penguins have the longest breeding cycle than any other bird. They take 14 to 16 months to fledge a single chick. During the winter, chicks may be left to fast for from one to five months (May to September/October). Adults can rear a maximum of only two chicks every three years.

They breed in dense colonies, which can number several tens of thousand pairs, are located amongst tussocks, gently sloping beaches, and sometimes can be over a kilometre inland. No nest is built, but pairs still maintain territories within pecking distance of each other.


Crabeater Seal
The crabeater seal is the most abundant seal species on Earth. Strangely, crabeater seals do not eat crabs (there are no crabs in Antarctic waters), but consume more krill (shrimp-like crustaceans) than any other species on the planet.

Adults are relatively slender and pale-colored, with an average length of 7-8 feet (2.5m) and weight of 450 pounds (200kg). Females are slightly larger. The crabeater seal's skull and snout are longer than those of other Antarctic seals, often giving their face a dog-like appearance.

Southern Elephant Seal
This is the largest species of seal in the world, surpassing even the walrus in size. The male elephant seal is distinguished by his immense size, large inflatable proboscis and a dark gray colour. The females are brownish, and lack the enlarged nose of the male.

Leopard Seal
As its name suggests, this seal is a predator. A portion of its diet consists of penguins, but it also eats fish and krill. They are typically dark gray fading into a lighter belly marked with leopard-like spots. Leopard seals are long and sinuous and have a very powerful head and neck, said to look like that of a snake.

Weddell Seal
This is the most southerly of the seals - and indeed the most southerly of all mammals - breeding as far as 78° S. Weddell seals spend much of their time in the water but can often be seen on large flat chunks of floating pack ice or on gently-sloping beaches around Antarctica and adjacent islands.

Weddell seals are dark gray above and light gray below, and the entire body is covered with distinctive blotches and streaks. The face is small, but the eyes are extremely large to facilitate hunting in deep, dark waters under the ice.


Humpback Whale
Humpbacks are a highly energetic, acrobatic species and often leap completely out of the water to land on their backs with a tremendous splash.

Its coloration is basically black or dark gray with a white throat area. Whereas the underside of the pectorial fins is white, Humpback Whales can easily be identified by the underside of their flukes. There is a huge variety in colouring, marks and pigmentation. The pigmentation on the flukes becomes more distinct as the whale gets older and the pattern seldom changes.

Minke Whale
This is the smallest whale also known as piked whale. This species is a fast swimmer, and in places where krill are not readily available it often eats small fish and squid.

Its coloration is dark bluish gray above and light gray underneath with two lighter bracket marks above the flipper extending across the back. Its relatively large dorsal fin is located far back on the body and its snout is narrow and very pointed.

Orca Whale
The killer whale or orca is the largest of the dolphins and probably the most easily recognized. Killer whaled are heavily bodied with a blunt head. Their coloration is very striking with most of the body a glossy black, except for a highly contrasted bright white belly and a patch just behind the eye. Killer whales normally travel in pods of 5-20 individuals, usually an extended family.


Black-browed Albatross
The Black-browed Albatross, also known as the Black-browed Mollymawk, is a large seabird of the albatross family. Black-browed Albatross are mostly white with yellowish-orange webbed feet, grey highlights and a bright yellow beak. A conspicuous black eyebrow gives them their name.

Black-browed Albatrosses spend months and months out at sea, only returning to land to breed on the steep, tussock-covered, coasts of the islands in the southern oceans. The Falklands and South Georgia together have over 75% of the world's black-browed albatross population with the birds usually returning to the same nesting sites year after year.

Wandering Albatross
The wandering albatross is the largest of seabirds, with a wing span reaching 3m and a body mass of 8-12 kg.

The adult Wandering Albatross appears entirely white from a distance. Close up, the fine black wavy lines on the breast, neck and upper back become visible. The bill can vary in colour, but is normally yellowish-pink. The white tail is occasionally tipped with black and the back of the wing changes from black to white with age.

Cape or Pintado Petrel
The Cape petrel, also known as the 'painted one' because of the striking pattern on its back and wings is a dark brown-black and white petrel smaller than the Antarctic Petrel. They breed on cliff ledges.

Southern Giant Petrel
The largest of the petrel family, Giant petrels, unlike albatrosses, forage on both land and sea. On land, they kill birds as large as King penguins and scavenge in seal colonies. At sea, they eat fish, squid and crustaceans, scavenging dead whales and seabirds, as well. Their carrion-feeding reputation earned them the nickname 'stinkers' from whalers.

Passenger Info

All you need to know before you go.


Information about the coldest, highest, windiest and driest continent.